Delicious salad 1

As we are in the period prior to Easter, most people still with lots of pleasure practice lent, people have also modernized this practice by giving up things they like such as sweets, chocolates, cigarets, alcohol, etc. as for me I do it the traditional way where I give up all meats, poultry, dairy, and their byproducts. Hens becoming vegetarian with every sense of the word.

Today I prepared a very nice salad with quinoa, white beans, fennel, carrots, 2 types of lettuce, cucumbers, celery, marinated portobello mushrooms, and hearts of palm.

Dressing: a spoon of sesame oil, a spoon of pomegranate sauce, a tea spoon of turmeric, a little salt and half a small lemon.

Good and healthy salad 

Buon appetito, 


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