Pets are part of the family

very day I read stories about abused,  abandoned,  misstreated pets, and it breaks my heart, that in this day and age people are not educated on how to care for an animal. 

Personally I think this should start at a young age in school, it will teach kids to care , love, and help a living thing, this will reflect on their personality and they will grow up with a kinder heart and much more respect towards others.  We take pets foregranted, but we can learn so much from them, they have so much love in them and they respect each other.

All my life I had pets , cat,  dogs,  birds, turtle and if I was given the opportunity some other ones as well. 

I never hurt touched or shushed away a cat, kicked a dog and if I can avoid it I would not want to step on insects as well. 

We were never told animals are dirty or disgusting etc.  on the contrary at an early stage we were told to be nice towards them and never mistreat them. 

Unfortunately in the Middle East is the exact oposit, ( don’t get me wrong there are allot of good people too) pets are brought into the country from all over they are cute and cuddly, but the minute they start growing up, misbehaving, hard to manage;  they are abandoned, at times exotic animals are brought in and they are abandoned in the desert in the heat of the summer no water no food left to suffer and die.  It is really heat breaking. 

Thanks to a small group of people some of these animals manage to be saved, some are even sent abroad to find good homes to love them and care for them. 

I did my small part in helping and adopted saved cats and dogs some stayed with me and some went to better homes. 

This blog is to let people know that a cat a dog is like having a child in the house you need to love them care fire them and give them the time they deserve. They are not an object but a living thing they have a soul as well just like us, after all it is God who created them and we need to love them the right way. 

If you are not ready to commit yourself to care for a pet for the rest of its life then don’t bother,  you are better off without one. 

Be kind to animals treat them well and you will receive unimaginable satisfaction and joy in return. 

 I love my pets 


it us very important to start the day right.  Preparing these days a nice breakfast takes only a few minutes. Super markets are loaded with cereals, frozen waffles fresh fruits etc.  

therefore take the time wake cup 10 minute earlier and prepare a nutritious breakfast that will keep you going all day long. 

Belgium waffle with fresh berries and light cream and light blue berry syrup, with a nice Italian style cappuccino …… 


it is so sad what happened yesterday at the mosque in Kuwait city. I can’t understand those people who do such things, there is neither bravery  nor strength in their action. All I see is stupidity, weakness, to attach a place of worship on a holy day and during main prayer time. All the children and the innocent life that were lost.  If this person wanted to prove a point I think he should have doused himself with gasoline and set himself on fire. This way he would be the only one who would die leaving s note for why he did it.  

May God keep us all safe from such crazy people , which are spreading all over the world, and I hope that the world could United forces to eradicate such people / groups one by one. 

Good old days

It seems it was so long ago when we used to take the time to write actual letters taking the time to choose the right paper, the right pen to write with, the envelope the postage.  I remember how anxious I was to receive letters waiting for the post man to deliver the mail, true it took longer but it was more personal warmer and much more sentimental , and we tended to safeguard them,  keep them forever.  

I actually have letters dating back to the 80s and today out of the blue I took them out and started reading them, each letter  brought  back such nice memories. The beauty of it is in still in touch With some of the people, and sadly with some other I lost touch.  Life took us in different direction. 

Now on the other had communication is so easy, at a click of a button you send a letter the other side of the world, but it does not have the same effect, everything feels so cold , it lacs that special touch and we don’t save them any more they are deleated on the spot.  

The same goes for the picturesque take,  they are all save in the computer or on cd or external hard drives, but how often we go back and look at them, my self hardly ever; but I still take out the old albums, over and over look at the picture.  Call me old fashioned but I truly miss certain thing, we need to go back and appreciate the simple things in life……. 


For the meat lover

Long day came home late , tired and was not in the mood to do much, luckily I had some stake in the fridge, (newzealend  beef tenderloin) heated the griller; added a little salt and black pepper on both side of the stake, placed them on the griller , meanwhile, I chopped a tomato some lettuce, and garnished with a little blue cheese dressing, flipped the stake, on the cooked side I put just a little ground blue cheese cooked for a few minutes. If the cut of beef is a good one then you should cook it medium-rear, to see that pinkish colour in the middle, this way you will ensure a nice juicy stake. Transferred everything to my plate and enjoyed every bite.  Buonissimoimage

A light lunch

Came home tired and was not sure what to prepare for lunch. Opened the fridge and according the the ingredients available, I prepared tortellini with    tomato sauce.

Fresh tortellni ( stuffed with ricotta)

1/2 can tomato scarce ( diced tomatoes)

1 small onion chopped

1 clove of garlic chopped

fresh mushrooms chopped about 6 pieces

Half green pepper chopped

sauté onion and garlic in a little olive oil, add the mushrooms green pepper , add some red chili ( if you like) salt and pepper to taste.  Let it simmer

boil the water in a saucepan add salt to taste, pour in the tortellini as soon as they start to float they are ready to be taken out, sift the water and add the tortellini to the sauce, gently fold to make every piece is covered with sauce, remove from heat and serve, you may seizing with a little parmigiano ….. Buon appetito

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The little things

how odd it’s been 2 days I try desperately to use my internet but the connection is do bad that at the end I just give up. I have been in contact with the provider and each time they tell me a difrent things, so I did the changes they asked and still my internet is bad. The final excuse was that the telephone line provided by the ministry in my area cannot handle high speed.  Apparently the ministry of communication is supposed to upgrade to fiber optics but no one knows when. It is a little sad that a country such as Kuwait with the richness it has it does not advance in technology, and it does not care of improving , upgrading things in general.  Perhaps they have done those changes only where Kuwaitis reside, and other neighborhoods are not important. Imagine my line can’t handle anything higher then 2 Mbps, how bad is this. 😦

disappointed in the system

Hello world!

I have been contemplating bout starting a blog for the longest, the main obstacle was what I should write about.

As well as I need a push to actually sit everyday a write my thought for the day, good or bad, happy or sad at this point it is all irrelevant.

We are living in a world where we all crave attention fame in any means possible, and naturally the social media gives us this possibility in a very easy way. People posting on YouTube on how to apply makeup, singing, dancing, cooking, how to wear a scarf, the options are endless; the same goes for Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

I, on the other hand don’t want it for the fame or attention, I’m doing it to communicate, to share some of my experiences, with time I hope to have enough followers to exchange ideas thought to bring people closer to one another even it is only virtually.

I love traveling, I love helping animals and taking care of pets, I like painting, cooking creating mouthwatering recopies out of nothing and much more.

My first challenge will be to post random things every day for 30 days.

Wish me luck.